New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool

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335 Responses

  1. hi,

    I am very glad to thank you providing this tool

  2. hi,

    I am very glad to thank you for providing this tool

  3. I fall into problems, that, i can remove the virus name may be sohanad. When I restart the computer I got a msge SSVICHOST.EXE Missing. When I pres ok then it will be Ok.
    How Can I solve this Problems?

    • format ur system …. stupid

    • send me a mail request for svchost.exe error i’ll give u the exe to solve svchost.exe

      • click start button, click Run
        type this command
        regedit press enter
        press control F
        find svchost.exe
        then remove all svchost.exe error

    • it will be better to reboot your computer saving the data or
      f you want to remove SSVICHOSST virus follow one of this solutions

      Follow this long procedure . . .

      End Task*
      1. On desktop> right-click> new> shortcut
      2. Enter
      taskkill.exe /F /FI “IMAGENAME eq ssvichosst.exe”
      3. Next> finish
      4. Double click the shortcut file just created

      *In some case, if this “taskkill.exe” file is not available in the windows\system32 directory (esp. in laptops), then try to get it from someone’s comp.

      Enable Task Manager
      1. Start> run

      reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      2. Start> run

      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      Enable CMD
      1. Start> run

      reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableCmd /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      2. Start> run

      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableCmd /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      Enable Regedit
      1. Start> run

      reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      2. Start> run

      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      Folder Option & Hidden Files
      1. Start> run

      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoFolderOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      2. Start> run

      reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoFolderOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

      3. Start> run

      reg add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v Hidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

      4. Start>run

      reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL /v CheckedValue /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

      reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL /v DefaultValue /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

      reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN /v CheckedValue /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

      reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN /v DefaultValue /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

      Delete Virus Files**
      1. Start> run> CMD
      del %windir%\ssvichosst.exe /a /f /q
      del %windir%\system32\ssvichosst.exe /a /f /q

      **Do not double click these files, otherwise you have to start from the begining

      Delete Startup Launch of Virus***

      1. Start> run
      reg delete HKCU\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Yahoo Messengger

      Fix for ” Windows cannot find ssvichosst”

      1. START> RUN > type CMD > now paste the following
      reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” /v Shell /t REG_SZ /d Explorer.exe

      this procedure is to remove the error that comes whenever you restart windows
      something like “could not find SSVICHOSST” or “error loading SSVICHOSST” or “windows cannot find ssvichost”

  4. I done as mentioned but still ” the run button is not fixed. please lead thorugh.

  5. u are a GENIuS!!!!!!!!!

  6. Excellent Work

  7. Bahar Follow the instructions on How to manually remove viruses. Download the pack and you do not need to run procexp but run autoruns and in the Logon Tab uncheck SSVICHOST.EXE entry and you are done.

  8. Its not working !!!

    Still PC’s infected…

    Pls. give some other solution to eradicate it.

  9. Qazi, I have checked this tool fully on my PC and it worked for me, May be you have got some another Virus

  10. Hi,

    My PC has “New Folder.exe” virus. i downloaded “NewFolder Sohanad virus removal tool” and installed it, But nothing is working.

    Help me.


    • u can use avast antivirus ,ok

    • AVG Anti virus install Karo usy proper update kr k PC scan kr wao new folder.exe virus remove hojaiga. usky bad koi light wait anti virus install kr Lena AVG uninstall kr k

  11. Hello to all,

    I had the same problem. i tried F-PROT antivirus for DOS. Everything is ok now for me.

    you also try, its a nice one.

    With regards,

  12. it works thank u so much

  13. dear sir it works only until system reboots. after that same my system i got



    scvvhostr.exe thes virus pls give us a proper solution

  14. My recommendation… use AOL’s ActiveVirusShield as you anti-virus, and Ad-Aware. AVS is based on Kaspersky and is FREE. You can download it from

    Turn off Auto-play on all ur drives, cause that’s how this virus spreads. Every time you plug in a USB or CD/DVD, scan it. Trust no one.

    To clean, run AVS… scan Critical Areas, it will prevent Sohand from protecting/regenerating itself. Run Ad-Aware to remove the Registry Entries. This will prevent it from starting as Windows boots up.

    Then re-start and safely delete the SSVICHOSST from either system32 or windows folders.

  15. thank u a lot i have done a great effort to remove this virus and i even formated my pc and downloaded windows again but af first it was removed then after an hour the virus was found again but i have a small question how can i remove this virus from a flash disk i will be so grateful it u found a way to help me and again thnx a lot

  16. Thank you Genious I am glad to tell you that I am very Happy bcoz it saved my lot of formatting of Computer.

  17. hi,

    I am very glad to thank you providing this tool

  18. Thanks Chief.
    U know I have the updated & Registered Symantec corporate edition Antivirus & have scanned my computer more then 3 to 4 times ( full scan ) but have not found this virus but the tool provided by you helped me get ride of this bloody virus. I was really tired of this virus, specially working with Removal Disks, even I was not able for format a Flash disk or go to Task Manager etc, & system was also very slow, altough I have an IBM Thinkpad Centrino Duo Laptop with 1700 Processor.. I was thinking to backup my data & reformat everything but was not pretty sure whether the data i backup will be clean of this virus, since SAV was not able to locate it.

    You saved lots of my time & Energy, Keep the good work up.
    With regards.
    Abasin Azad

  19. hi to all
    its tool work but after restart new folder virus create and systtem is slow plz tell me any anti virus which block new folder virus i am waiting my answer

  20. Dear sir/madam

    I have more viurs of the computer “folder.exe or new folder.exe” virus pleae u advice the how to remove it virus?


    • how i will remove new folder.exe(56kb) virus from my system manually. please sir tell me…

      • AVG Anti virus install karo proper update kr k PC scan kr woa New folder.exe virus remove hojaiga usky bad koi light weight anti virus install kr lena for example nod 32 ya kaspersky

  21. I am very glad to thank you providing this tool. My pendrive has still infected this folder how to remove it? do u have any suggestion? pls suggest me

  22. I was really in avery big trouble with that virus. Many many thanks for providing that tool.Pls. suggest us How can we Guard for further infection from that virus?

  23. I have an all-around tool that cleans it:
    cwean antimalware package

  24. Hey Fellas !!
    The new version of this virus goes undetectable. I last checked it on 10th august, 5:38 pm. So I made a tool for it’s removal too. you can get it frm

  25. P.S My tool also removes the source of virus frm Pen-drives !!

  26. hi! great application. it is so simple. i am really thnkful to u.made me free from tension

  27. hi! great application. it is so simpl touse

  28. hi! it is so simple to get red of big problems

  29. Thnx for appreciation ! I can make this tool better if you ppl send me feedback @ . The enhancements will be like the tool will be able to detect & remove the all virus of this family.

  30. P.S Plz, You hate SPAM & So do I. Give your feedback with a subject “SohanadKiller”. that’s it !

  31. Sir,
    I am using Winxp prof. and i downloaded and installed the tools provided by you.i have been attacked with new folder.exe and as i have gone through ur site..u instructed to use RUN ! but in my system if i type anything on my RUN command opens in NOTEPAD!! what to do?? in my another system with winXP..the RUN command is missing! i dont know what to do now! please help me.

  32. ^ @ abee, Can u plz elaborate the problem dear, & try to send me a mail regarding this with various screenshots of your computer showing infections & actions of Virus. & Yes, I didnt instructed to use RUN or whatever you are saying, I just instructed to press the “Start Removal” Button. It’s gud to get feedback from u ppl, only then I can make my software much more good to help you all ppl out there. Anyhow, I’ll be waiting for the mail & just give the subject name as “Sohanad Killer”. & one more thing, Make Sure, before sending me mail, that you are using the latest version of my software.

  33. hi,

    I am very glad to thank you providing this tool
    Thankyou So Much

  34. Excellent,Friend It works fine with my OS and save effort for Reinstall All Things

  35. I am very glad to thank you

  36. You are a genius man… it really works .. thank you for saving my computer ..

  37. how i can ?

  38. Thnx 4 such an overwhelming response friends !

  39. I m happy that my software is helpful to all of you !


  41. thank you very much, 100% it’s working

  42. how can i download the sohanad removal tool????

  43. ^ joe

    Download it from [Link snapped by Mod]

  44. Joe, you can download the virus remover from the following link:

  45. thanks for providing this

  46. I have tried manually but regedit has been disabled and after installing this patch it’s saying that there is no virus.
    Please help.

  47. This is nice tool.

    Thanks lot.

  48. Thanks alot for this antivirus

    I’m very very happy


  49. solution of new folder virus and defination of symentec

  50. whooh!my pc’s now free from that virus.thnk u very much!

  51. how can remove folder.exe virus. please help me.

  52. Hi,

    It really helped but fter restarting the computer the problem is again same.

    Thanks to help in advance.

  53. Thanks a lot. You are so helpful. May God always bless you with happiness

  54. hello,

    same problem with me pc is also still infected..:( plz help me..I will b really appreciated..

  55. my registry and antivirus setup also disappears when i try to run..plz help me to figure out this problem…

  56. Same problem with my friend .thanx now becoz after running we are also very happy

  57. how to remove the same virus from a usb or say pen drive….
    even after formatting the virus is there….

  58. ^^^^ Hey Dudes !!! The owner of this site is not happy if somebody give link to some other solution of your problem. This time I m not giving the link to the best working solution till yet, coz the owner “snip-off” such links. My software has been used by more than 1300 people, I wanted to give it to you people too, but sorry !! (But no regrets to the Site owner or his Friend Abdullah, who said I was “promoting” my site or software here, I was just helping out the people who needed help )

  59. Neo, link snapping was done on purpose. We want to give out only tested solutions to our valuable readers so that there is no harm done to them. Your solution was not tested by us, so as per our policy, your link was removed. Sorry for inconvenience.

  60. i want the new folder.exe removal who can send me to my mail.My Computer is attacking by it in highest level condition! I need help!!

  61. plz i need that removal tool plz send the download link to me

  62. Hellow, I am feacing a lot of problem for this New Folder Virus. Please suggest how to remove.

  63. thank you and thank you

  64. thaks thank you for resolve the problem

  65. thanx a lot 4 the provides of this solution

  66. im infected.
    help me with new folder.exe virus.
    how can i remove it.
    pls send me solution.

    thank you in advance

  67. THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!

  68. For those of you that can’t eradicate it properly…

    Use Download Link 2(SDFix.exe). Download Link 1 didn’t work for me.

    And follow these steps:

    Download SDFix and save it to your Desktop.

    Double click SDFix.exe and it will extract the files to %systemdrive%
    (Drive that contains the Windows Directory, typically C:\SDFix)
    and save it to your desktop.

    When you have done this, please boot into Safe Mode (Tap F8 during startup).


    Open the extracted folder located in C:\ SDFix and doubleclick on RunThis.bat to start the script.

    Type Y to begin the script. It will remove the Trojan Services then make some repairs to the registry and prompt you to press any key to Reboot. When you hit any key, your computer will reboot. Your system will take longer that normal to restart as the fixtool will be running and removing files.

    When your desktop loads, the utility will complete the removal and display Finished. Press any key again to end the script and load your desktop icons.

    Run Catchme.exe when prompted to detect if there are traces of the virus.
    (credited to Touch who posted these steps on Bullguard’s forum)

  69. Just noticed…The Revised 2.02 is Download Link 1 in the above page… Sorry, your program did not work for me. It was a version New Folder.exe if I remember correctly.

  70. Process Name: SSCVHIIHOST.exe
    Worm/Virus: HakaglanH.exe
    Location: system32 and win32
    (scanned with NOD32)

    Formatting Drive (C) DOES NOT REMOVE VIRUS. Possibly also located in Drive(D).

  71. Hi,
    Your Virus Removal Tool – (Download link 1) has effectively removed this virus. I got it from a forum and wanted to give you the feedback since even Mcafee & Symantec dont have tailor made solutions for this…
    To some extent my Mcafee system logged the changes and blocked some, but it depends on the user’s knowledge of registry keys. If the user accepts changes AV system can do nothing to stop this virus!

  72. good, we need your help any time
    thank you. somuch

  73. Thanks for the great tools. The tools clean up my system and so it seems. I suggest to add to the instruction of manual removal of this virus to clean up the shared folder. The virus replicate almost every folder on the shared documents, creating exes posing as legitimate folder (change folder views to detail and you could see folder icons as application, those are the virus). And when one accidentally clicked on it, the virus again do its nasty tricks. Also sometimes the task manager wasnt completely restored even on safemode after using your newfolder.exe removal tool so I have to use it with combination of system restore just to make SDFix run.

  74. I have virus infected PC, which is hiding all the folders and creating exe file of that folder, i was able to remove virus but not able to highlight the folder hidden attribute it is still grey, how can i get back my folders in normal view, they are still hidden.

  75. i uesed this tool, but it’s not removing from system 32. how can i remove that.we clik that New folder.exe it will creating SCVHSOT.exe file is creating the file inside tha windows folder,we remove that folder it will automaticaly restoring. so how can i remove that virus permenatly.

  76. I am very glad to thank you providing this tool

  77. thanks for this virus problem

  78. Dear all,
    I’m very thankful to You.

    It is working fine with some pcs but still few are creating panick so pls elaborate more.
    Your manual process is not working because Registry is not opening.

  79. Thank you very much. We owe you one. My entire day went behind understanding what went wrong. You are a genius. I did not even know how to google this virus.

    thanks a million

    Parallel Solutions Technology

  80. plz share me it working with win2k3


  82. Sir,
    I have used NewFolder.exe Removal tool, but it persis

  83. Thank you very much
    thank you providing this tool

  84. hope it works…

  85. Hi,

    How can i remove new file.exe in my flask drive? i have already removed it in my hard drive. thanks!

  86. thanks for the tool but the virus creator seems to created different variants of this virus, like the nhatquanglan variety. the taskmanager is enabled but it closed down as soon at it opened. I have deleted the virus process (scvhost,blastclnnn etc.) through autorun and processexplorer from sysinternal, nevertheless your tool is still valuable as it reset my windows default settings.

  87. salam ,
    I’m very thankful to You
    How can i remove new folder.exe and w32.sohanad in my computer?
    I have used kaspersky 6 for scanning my computer , but there are persised.

  88. aoa.
    Very good bolg. Thank to all “Posters” to post here
    Good Bytes.
    Nice Collection.
    See you later


  90. thanx a lot 4 the provides of this solution….

  91. to the nhatquanglan variety of new folder.exe, one way that this virus persist is due to the modification to your autorun.inf located the root of your harddrives and shared folders.

    after cleaning the virus with the tools provided by this site download rrt from and remove restriction to hidden files. you can see the virus again SCVhost and autorun.inf. delete then modify the autorun.inf

    your previous autorun.inf must have this entry:

    Shellexe cute=SSCVIIHOST.exe




  92. I mean the autorun contain this command:

    Shellexe cute=scvhosts.exe



  93. thanks guys for the solutions that you gave…..although im doubting the softwares but anyways thanks a lot it gave me a relief because i was opting to reformat my computer……and for anyone out there who cant edit there registry try downloading Tune-up utilities… can edit your registry there even if your registry and taskmanager was disabled…i dont know the site but try searching it in……
    thanks a lot in advance….

  94. I will most required newfolder.exe virus removal
    pls. send me one removal exe

  95. thanx buddy
    It worked

  96. Baskar..

    How to remove Virus NewFolder.exe
    Please Help me..

  97. Hi
    It was actually unbelievable that this worked in such a simple way. I was wondering if the program had not recognised the virus. thank you for this product. I was ready to manually remove the virus, but just wanted to give this a try. Thanks once again.


  98. Many -2 thanks for providing the solution (NewFolder.exe) and even the solution has been designed user friendly.

  99. i want a patch of folder.exe virus remover

  100. this is good site about give the knowledge about the virus

  101. I was getting scvhsot.exe – drive not ready message. Then my usb cdrom used to malfunction. Thanks to SDFix.exe.
    i got this from (Locrex, on October 7th, 2007 at 10:38 pm Said:) section.

  102. i cant seem to download the remover. pls help

  103. d

  104. dear sir,
    my pic is recently infected by new folder.exe and scvhost.exe viruses. I am kindly asking u to help me in this regard to get ride of these prob
    thanks alot in advance

  105. Thanks you,

    It’s useful on my PC

  106. To be honest with you, I downloaded the tool without having a chance to thank you because I was too busy trying to remove this stubborn virus.

    But now after removing the virus with your tool, I would gladly like to thank you from all my heart.

    Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. how to remove this newfolder.exe virus from pendrive and other USB drives .. please suggest me

  108. ss

  109. the new folder.exe comes as a virus with the name brontoc. in win2000 and below you can identify it by the different icons, but it has the same icon as a normal xp folder. Do not open it. because once you open it, it activates itself and spreads throughout the system, and you cant search for it. It will create inside each folder and sub folders another exe simillar to the new folder.exe but with the name of the folder containing it. Try to delete it, if you cant. then open command promt and from there, open the root drive containing the exe. Type the command dir/sh and you will find the virus. then type atrib *.* -s -h -r. this will remove the hidden property , read only property and make it a normal file. then run a search comand in dos or in windows for *.exe. you will get the list of exe with the icon as a folder. Sort them according to size and all the virus files will get grouped. Then press shift+del to permanantly delete it. Dont restart your System. Run it for all the drives you have connected to your system. Then run an antivirus to see of its fully cleaned.

    • the command dir/sh is not correct bro. what is the problem please send me the solution in my e-mail address ok thanx

  110. hi.
    my folder option,run comnd and tast manger is missing.
    how i remove new folder.exe virus plz help me

  111. hi, my computer is so slow, when i open the net it slows all of the programs in my computer, help me please

  112. Dear all,
    I’m very thankful to You.

    It is working fine with some pcs but still few are creating panick so pls elaborate more.
    Your manual process is not working because Registry is not opening.

  113. […] Comments New Folder.exe Virus… on Newfolder.exe Removal Tool 2.5…imdprogamer on Ravmon Virus Removal Tool 3.2…Ahmad Qattan on […]

  114. Thanks alot u saved my network Great Job

  115. thanks for your if this tool works this would be a great im really sfed up with this virus
    thanks guys

  116. Hi sir,

    Hats off to you..

    I’m very thankful to you as it solved my big headache from my clients..

    Pls tell me who are you & what are you into..I am very keen to meet you and take your guidance…

    Pls reply..



  117. thnkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……..wohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 8s so helpfull for usssssssssssss……………….

  118. i very veyr love viruse new. please send to me ( in Emaile) whit dowenlod to My Computer and Broadcast for all iranian.

  119. drives are not opening

  120. i have used your software . thank you so much sir

  121. Hi
    Thanks 4 ur help

  122. Hi
    Thanks……… 4 Ur help

  123. Thanks for sharing

  124. i have a problem with new folder virus and using

  125. hi! thx for ur guidline.

  126. hi thanks for u r help.

  127. hi
    i can’t access share drive on windows xp’s network even ping command works fine. n no password configure n os asking for user name n password. plz give me sol.

  128. hidden folder option virus solution plz help

  129. i want smart antivirus.exe for new ver for free download please tell that web site any way ok sir

  130. virus removal

  131. i am facing a problem of newfolder.exe.

    Plz help me.

  132. i want autorun.inf & yahoomail.exe removal tool

  133. my system is infected by nhatquanglan vfolder virus. i need a free online scanner and cleaner for my pc. i have no java application. am accesing net from gprs. so it is slow too. i need a quick scanner and cleaner

  134. mi pc,mi usb mi mp3 y mi mp4 se han infectado con ese virus NewFolder.Exe que aparenta ser una carpeta… Por favor quien sepa como puedo eliminar ese virus

  135. This software is very useful virus cleaner for folder virus

  136. U know I have the updated & Registered Symantec corporate edition Antivirus & have scanned my computer more then 3 to 4 times ( full scan ) but have not found this virus but the tool provided by you helped me get ride of this bloody virus. I was really tired of this virus, specially working with Removal Disks, even I was not able for format a Flash disk or go to Task Manager etc, & system was also very slow..
    & im also infected.
    help me with new folder.exe virus.
    how can i remove it.
    pls send me solution

  137. pls
    my computer has virus effected, so i don’t solve this problem to my macafee antivirus software. and other than i don’t download firewall software.
    Virus name is ANTIVIRUS.EXE
    Pls solve my problem.

  138. i couldnt find the link….will you plzzzzz send me the download link….im frustrated a lot….

  139. pls
    my stick was infected by newfolder.exe virus …..
    but i can removed that virus by using kaspersky antivirus …..after that i can’t delete my folder which has been infected by that newfolder.exe virus … pls give me a way to delete that folder..pls…….

  140. pls sent new folder.exe removal antivirus

  141. Dear online friends my pen drive infected by New Folder .exe and regsvr.exe viruses . i try to remove this by the logic of “command prompt delete action” like this CMD->ok
    file specification E:
    it shows me all virus folder
    then i try attrib -r -a -s -h *.*
    next i try to delete the file name like this del New Folder.exe
    but it tells to me denied ur path and again i try this same action then it shows to me Could not find E:\NEW like this

    s o
    Plz…………………….give me one Good Solution any one

  142. i need the newfolder.exe virus tools

  143. a was unable to recall n view my hidden folders n use task mgr, though i had removed d virus.. thanks for the option that restores d settings.. its cool..

  144. my pen drive’s ( or d external hard disk’s ) icon is not displayed in ‘My Computer’ window.. wat could be d reason for it..?

  145. i’m also infected with that virus (newfolder.exe)
    pls help me to eradicate this… pls pls

    here’s my emailadd..

    thanks in advance

  146. Hello,

    My all folders in PEN DRIVE converted in to .exe how i can recover all my data

  147. My all folders in PEN DRIVE converted in to .exe how i can recover all my data?
    My Email Id :- reply soon pls….

    Thanks in Advance.

  148. ETrust(CA) antivirus detect ‘newfolder.exe’ and it deletes it too. 🙂

  149. its really coolll… thanks alot for saving my computer … i will keep a link back to this page …

  150. fuck u all,

    what the hell was u doing give me right tool to remove
    this virus named new folder.exe,all these tools for fuck hell.

    Anil jaladharia

  151. how to remove DELUS virus?

    pls solve my system problem.

    DELUS virus infected my system .

    virus database update 29.03.08.

    pls quickly solve my problem.


  152. I have a problem,
    Newfolder.exe virus attach on my pc kindly send me tha solution who can i removed

  153. I fall into problem in my PC thatI got a message SCVHSOTexe.Missing when I press OK then it will be OK. Also problem Start menu(Task menu)not coming.How can I solve this problem? PC WINDOWS XP.

  154. what the hell was u doing give me right tool to remove
    this virus named new folder.exe,all these tools for fuck hell

  155. i need removl tool for new folder.exe in my system and in my pen drive

  156. hi removal tool is completely remove my system and pendrive New Folder.exe viruses. thank u ….

  157. pls help me i got this msg registry editing has been dosabled by your administrator

  158. best

  159. Is the same virus behind censorship of security-related and virus-related information?

  160. tnx

  161. Hello!

    Where is the tool?

    where is the tool for new folder.exe?

  162. I tried to clean the new folder exe

  163. Me thinks,there might be different types of the New Folder.exe virus. ’cause when i once got infected with it , i installed a removal tool ,it worked! But the tool let that virus to infect my PC again and not dared to remove it!
    And guess what? It reigs my PC and proliferates every nook and corner of the newly created folders!
    I dunno whats goin on with my PC! Heaven only knows…
    As the matter of fact,no remover tool has yet come to decline the reign of New Folder.exe!

  164. new folder exe remover tool licenced vertion download

  165. Hello Dear !
    I am sending my reports to my head office on daily basis through net.
    A virus”new folder” got entered to my cannot be deleted and it disappeared the folder option in tool the hidden files cannot be restored.can someone help me in this regard ?

    azmat Ullah Khan

  166. plzh help me for viruse of cpu+16bit

  167. I am sending my reports to my head office on daily basis through net.
    A virus”new folder” got entered to my cannot be deleted and it disappeared the folder option in tool the hidden files cannot be restored.can someone help me in this regard ?

  168. Your solution worked very well , thanks for getting rid of this virus

    Great job

  169. I’ve Windos Vista Home Premium, and I can’t repair my folder options. I try with windows registry, but when I reboot….same problem….can you give me the link for “New_Folder.exe_Removal_Tool” for Vista Version? (the v2.5 don’t clean Vista)

    Thanks a lot,

  170. new folder is created in the same folder & name. i can’s see my photo file & doc file. how can i recover all the information & file?

  171. hi muhamad,this virus is on my computer “new folder” but I am not able even to open this antivirus named link!!! it closes every linke opened including virus word!I tried any antivirus but they dont get installed.THIS DONT WORK !

  172. 4tg546hytg35gh5gh

  173. thanks

  174. To those who need to delete the Brontok worm, Google the softwares: Brontok Washer and CompactAV.


  175. Thanks a ton buddy.What a help…i will never forget in my life.I never write after download the things but this time i have to write for such a wonderful help

  176. My PC has “New Folder.exe” and “yahoomail.exe” virus. I formateed my pc twice times when I copy my some backup files, the system create same problem and again yahoo services has banned.

  177. test mail

  178. .exe folder/file is creating in each folder, I am using Mcafee CSE8.5 patch6, it is unable to detect / clean it, can any one help on this.

  179. Please tell me how i can show my respect to u because u have helped me so much. i am willing to donate money to any website u run. how can i help u? u have helped me so much and its only fair that i help u back. i suggest u start ur own company! it will be very succesful!

  180. tohadi maa no lun

  181. totti da bachcha

  182. my system infected all drives c,d,e,f, newfolder.exe please help me how to remove the virus manually and other

  183. my system infected all drives c,d,e,f, newfolder.exe please help me how to remove the virus manually and other my Email id :

  184. My pen drive is affected by this viral infection. I have tried many antiviruses but it still alive. It is not allowing me to format also.
    So. Plz help me.

  185. can’t access my external hd. when i try opening it, i get an alert that says “windows cannot find ‘limit.exe’.” please help! -allen

  186. thnx for providing this tool

  187. i want newfolder virus removel

  188. new folder.exe

  189. Salam every one, and Mohammed Hussain too.
    Please Hussain I am bored seeing these comments, i need the new folder removal antivirus software plz, provide me . or snd me the direct link to my email id

    Allah Hafiz

  190. i cant download it brother
    plz provide me the way so that i can download it


  192. Respected sir,
    I am in trouble due to virus of folder & i am not able to remove.So pl suggest the solution for removing virus tools.

    Thanking you,

    Chandrakant Gasti

  193. Dear All,

    There is virus called NEW FOLDER.EXE in our DATA SERVER (windows server 2003 operating system) this soft is not able to remove the virus totally let me know if any other procedures are there so that i can go head with that, i will be in BIG trouble if this DATA server goes wrong suddenly in any moment, all our clients are working directly through this server only (accessing the files directly from this server)

    Thanking you

  194. its ultimate tool

  195. HI Friends,
    I have got a folder replicating virus or malware in my pc it replicates almost every folder like fun.exe for my fun folder, photos.exe for my photos folder and so on, how can i remove this thing I mean virus/malware.


  196. Actually ur system is affected with new folder.exe

    Try this one:-

    goto this link
    and download the smart virus remover its free.
    and install it.

    then check ur system tray it will show a new icon…. click on it…else


    start > all programs > Smart Virus Remover

    click on all the four buttons on the left side of the interface.

    it will activate ur task manager, folder options etc….

    but remember u have to use a good antivirus in order to remove the virus.

  197. every time i log on my computer i get this folder saying that window system 32 tool and del folders.exe.please help me to get rid of it

  198. Hi ,

    Excellent virus removal tool. Thanks a lot

  199. I want removal of new folder virires for treat files and my computer

  200. Thanks for this information, i’m looking this pieces of information on how to remove this virus. Everytime i insert my flash disk and copy the file in my desktop the exe folder is created

  201. Thanks a lot guys!!!!! Theres nothin that i didnt do to remove the virus but nothin helped until i stumbled upon ur solution & it worked wonders….Thanks so much! jus one problem, i still cant view my hidden files, wat shud i do?

  202. if i create a new folder in my pendrive it also save as a hidden file please give the solution to it

  203. am trying to download this file…

  204. I download some games on my pc now i cant do them because it saids the game like prison tycoon 4 exe. cant run need to close and it has a 2 bottens that say send error report and dont sent then i press dont send then it does not run

  205. hey guys!! when my computer scans my whole hard disk , it doesnot find any virus but when i insert the formatted pendrive or any other usb devices then it shows the virus. how can it be ?? and the other thing is that when i insert my pendrive having some data then my orginal folder gets hidden and copy ot them comes in .exe format?? how can i get rid of that. my computer works normally on other things…

  206. Sir,
    My Computer have more virus indected with folder.exe virus. It wolrking very slowly… Please Help me to remove the virus from my computer

  207. hi, this is kiran i bought a 32gb kingston pendrive 1 week ago
    it is not getting formated in windows sp2 i tried in disk management but could not resolve it. And then i tried in dosprompt still i faced the error. saying that fomat failed
    ntfs files could not be done as it is saying that it is write protected and at last saying that format failed.

    My friends are saying that it is chinese product and these product will not last long is it true can’t i get my 32gb pendrive back .
    please help me.

  208. is a shit, motherfuckers
    , son of a bicht, jajajajajajajaja

  209. I have virus infected PC, which is hiding all the folders and creating exe file of that folder, i was able to remove virus but not able to highlight the main folder using windows explorer.

    Please suggest the way I may be able to see all my folders and their content.

    Note :- When I use the address bar to see that folder in the drive then it shows its name in the list of folder if I press the first letters/letters for exmpale

    c:\maindata\photos etc

    Yashpal Singh

  210. try ansav antivirus or smadav antivirus …

  211. I suffered a lot with new folder.exe or folder exe virus. Please show me a correct way to remove the virus from my computer. I already formated the system many times. Thanks in advance.

  212. how to remove .exe virus

  213. aa

  214. iam face a problem in my pc & mobile phone a “new folder.exe.” file are not deleted this is virus but it not removed plese tell me what ican do..

    thanks and regards
    jagtar singh

  215. iam face a problem in my pc & mobile phone a “new folder.exe.” file are not deleted this is virus but it not removed plese tell me what ican do..

    thanks and regards
    jagtar singh

  216. Thank you,

    its great. i was trying to remove this virus for so many days but your software do it within 10 mins. Thank you again. Please continue helping us.

  217. I have a new folder virus in my pen drive. Please tell me how can i remove it?

  218. thank you very much . tolls is working fine , and regsvr.exe and winhelp.exe both has been removed .

  219. Thank u for proving the tool. We are having the facility using this tool, but in some extent it seems the viruses to be coming in new froms. Hence I request if there is any update of this tool to remove the newly coming NEWFOLDER viruses.

  220. The New Folder.exe virus is in my pen drive. It got infected through some other PC.
    My PC is not infected now. But i want to remove virus from my pen drive.
    I have installed Smart Virus Remover on my PC.
    now, can i attach PenDrive to PC and Format it?
    or my PC will get infected because of this virus??
    What should I do to Format Pen Drive?

  221. My control panel is missing from start-settings
    What’s the solution for it

  222. waste tool. i installed in my system this tool. but still it will not unable to find newfolder.exe file

  223. in my pc the hidden folder can not be showing me when i am going in the tools,folder option and view tab and click on the show hidden folder.

  224. i am very glad to thanks for poviding this tool.thak you very much

  225. hi

  226. dear guys

    here i found the solution to remove new folder.exe virus the best way to remove new folder virus just install kaspersy trail version or licensed ver then scan your computer it will remove your newfolder virus and i tried it.

  227. Hi,

    I have a pendrive in which ‘yahoomail.exe’ virus entered and create a problems of display of folders. All folders are shown empty. What I can do for its removal?


  228. hey tried every single way
    nothin working
    new folder removal
    and when it says to boot in safe boot
    cant boot too(in safe mood)
    nothing’s working
    what the hell should i do?

  229. plz reply anyone
    plz plz
    my email is
    or reply here

  230. it does come
    i mean the task manager appers
    but for 2 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!
    plz ny1 help

  231. wtf
    no1 even replies
    this sucks
    fck all

  232. Someone please help me, this is the time that a New Folder (2) created on my desctop, i had deleted it but it is made automatically again.
    i don’t know what i have to do.


  233. hye…thanks 4 the info..

    “Software Utility – Anticipate and Repair Virus Infections, Worms, Trojan | Vanish 99% version 1.1”

    Vanish from the benefits of 99%, among others:
    1. Searching the extension is commonly used by viruses.
    2. Improve the system of windows broken in the public / fox by a virus.
    3. Improve more than 50 program that is blocked by a virus.
    4. Monitoring process that is running in the system, so that it can see the suspicious programs.
    5. Returns the attributes of a file/folder that hide in the (super hidden/hidden) on the storage media.
    6. Informing system windows associated with the anticipated activities of virus.

    Visit link

  235. hi,
    my netwarking problme

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  237. i immigately needed it

  238. hai
    your steps is so good
    kep it a good work

  239. Search *.EXE (Files Size 1114KB) Delete Manually & Run Malware Bytes

  240. Sir, i have a USB flash drive which has a problem that when ever i copy any fie in the USB it chages the format of that file and then pc can not open it , so send me the solution for this pbm.

  241. oms

  242. pls give me a virus remover

  243. huy8

  244. please help me how to stop and remove new folder.exe virus without the need for deleting all my files in my pc?..

  245. Great Works…. Thanks.

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  247. I really liked your magnificent blog! The info you provide is awe-inspiring ! I think im gonna stick around and read a few of your posts. Your friend

  248. i have more virus of new folder.exe etc im very tired of the virus so plz help me i dont know wht i do that it will be out from PC plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me i think i got from usb that virus n also mobile do i not use usb

  249. i have more virus in my computer its full with virus so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

  250. Gotta love new tech stuff…! Im a huge tech fan and Im glad I found this site. I’ll be back soon to read more. thanks

  251. hi everyone…
    im very much worried over my data loss.
    firstly my computer behaved suspiciously,as there were missing folders and folders were converted into exe files.I has avira antivirus at that time.i installed Avast which removed all exe folders with my all important data in folders.what should i do…kindly suggest something way out

  252. good tool thanks

  253. dear,
    i am intrested in your website. kindly send my ur updat in my email id


    dhrupat singh

  254. I am glad I found your blog! I learned a lot about tech on this site! Kudos to you! Thank you!

  255. there is a serious problem in my computer,when i open my disks c,d,e,f the files present in all of them are system files replica,,how can i remove them so that my system having vista goes to normal,,,,,

    if anybody resolve this problem please tell me about that,,,,,,,tghanks

  256. If you are having issues running virus scanners whilst your computer is turned on, try to start into ‘Safe Mode’.

    If you’re using a version of Windows, you’ll be able to do this. (Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7)

    Safe Mode:
    Turn computer off
    Turn computer on whilst tapping F8. When prompted select ‘safe mode with networking’
    When prompted, click Yes & start into Windows as normal.

  257. Your post is real good. I get valuable info that I can surely need. Thank you vary much for sharing.

  258. I need help. My pendrive affected by a virus. It change all my Document folders ti shortcut folder. I cant open it anymore as It need location. Pelase help

    • I need help. My pendrive affected by a virus. It change all my Document folders ti shortcut folder. I cant open it anymore as It need location. Pelase help

      did you get the solution to this problem -> i am also exactly facing the same problem? could you please help.

  259. hi,

    i have a problem on my pc.. it keeps on creating a new folder on my desktop, when i delete it and when a restart my computer it creates a new folder again.. how can i remove it?
    anyone can tell me how.. thanks..

  260. Got a problem my folders on my external drives are replicated.. i get like two of the same folder one will be 1.4mb but when i open it it has exactly the same things as the original folder. worse still the original folder is hidden…… do i solve that.

  261. If you want to delete new folder.exe, Just do it like this,no anti virus is needed. Click at stat – Search -All files and folder- “Type it New folder.exe” and then clik “search” the drive whatever you want… Then, delete it all newfolder.exe.. enjoy!!

  262. try to see if you were infected by a virus..go to START>>RUN>>CMD and type DIR/ AH
    when you are in the command prompt:
    C:\Documents and Settings\user>dir /ah

    if you see a file AUTORUN.INF it means your PC was infected.

    try to use some free antivirus tool this is widely use in UK. This can help your infected pc, scan and delete the viruses. Thanks!

  263. Every tym i plug an external drive to my laptop, a my documents folder appears, tried deleting but it still re appears. how do i get rid of it

  264. i have this virus on my system and every time i delete it, it just comes back there. it has a name moakeg.turns everything in shortcut. please help me out.

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  266. Pls help to remove biacux.exe virus.It makes shortcut icon of all files in pendrive.Not even opens the file but asks us to delete the file.Pls reply to my email.ID ASAP.

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  271. Hii i Really REALLy need ur help !!! i have a virus named ” Папка.exe ” wich means folder i guess ,
    when i put on my mp4 or flash disk , it doubleeeess !! wat can dooooooooooooooooooooo Help
    e-mail me : plzz im waiting

  272. Thanks

  273. putang inang virus to nakakabaliw!

  274. Good one bro!sdsdsd

  275. Good one bro!sdsdsd WDWD

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  278. This is the virus which irritates me like anything. I hate these viruses. But you are the best, thanks for the tool.

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  285. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – 2007-07-18 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  286. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  287. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  288. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  289. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  290. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  291. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  292. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  293. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  294. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · I fall into problems, that, i can remove the virus name may be sohanad. When I restart the computer I got a msge SSVICHOST.EXE Missing. When I pres ok …… […]

  295. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  296. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · I fall into problems, that, i can remove the virus name may be sohanad. When I restart the computer I got a msge SSVICHOST.EXE Missing. When I pres ok …… […]

  297. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · how to new folder virus and autorun info erroers please tell me what can i do now sirr… […]

  298. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · I fall into problems, that, i can remove the virus name may be sohanad. When I restart the computer I got a msge SSVICHOST.EXE Missing. When I pres ok …… […]

  299. […] New Folder.exe Virus Removal Tool | Techno Digits – Jul 18, 2007 · Sir, I am using Winxp prof. and i downloaded and installed the tools provided by you.i have been attacked with new folder.exe and as i have gone through …… […]

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