Folder Options missing in Windows XP

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268 Responses

  1. cool site you have here. you have actually helped me on something i have been trying to figure out for a while. I am no computer wiz so i will check back periodically for help. thanks!

  2. Sheryza, I will be glad to help you in any IT related matter. You can ask me through email or from this site. And, *ahem ahem* this offer is for each and every of my visitor. I haven’t announced this service officially on the blog but will be announcing soon.

  3. I recently had a virus attack, and according to McAfee it was a Trojan Virus.
    I am not able to see the Folder Options in Windows Explorer, I tried using the above method to get them back but unfortunately it didn’t work.
    When I type in gpedit.msc I get “file not found message” is there any other way to get them back?

  4. Hmm .. which version of windows are you using?

  5. You can use the full path to the file if you are using Windows XP or 2000. Go to C:\Windows\System32\gpedit.msc where C: is your system drive.

  6. I am using Windows XP Home Edition

  7. I was looking at some other forums and according to them gpedit.msc is not available in XP Home. It suggests using regedit instead, but don’t know how to make the settings from there.

  8. Ok .. that seems simple then .. Just go to Start –> Run –> regedit. The registry editor will open. Go to the following key:

    In the right hand pane, see if there is a value called NoFolderOptions

    If yes then change it’s value to 0.

    1 means hide options and 0 means show options.

  9. I don’t see a value “NoFolderOptions” in the right hand pane. All I see there is “(Default)” with no data value.

  10. If you don’t see any NoFolderOptions then you should create a DWORD named NoFolderOptions and put 0 as it’s value. That means you’re forcing the explorer to show folder options.

  11. No Luck!!! Tried the above. It is still not showing the options.

  12. Did you restart the explorer after applying the tweak?

  13. It Worked!! After restarting the computer. Thanks a lot.
    Appreciate your help.

  14. I’m glad that you solved your problem .. just stay in touch and keep providing feedbacks.

  15. My machine became infected with Brontak and although I had Sophos installed it still managed to do quite a bit of damage – thanks to you, I have my View Folder option back (I ALWAYS forget how to load the Group Policy Editor!) so many thanks to you. 😀

    • hi there… i cant access regedit in run, even on c prompt!. there is no folder option in my pc, and i cant use CTRL ALT DEl. hope u can fix my problem.. big thanks!

  16. wat a great blog you hav here! you have finaly helped me figure out something I have been fighting with for a long tym now! keep it up!

  17. after I was attacked by a virus when ever I start my PC windwos explorer opens up automaticaly! how do I stop this?

  18. You should your startup items through msconfig to see if explorer.exe is loading in startup.. To open msconfig, go to Run –> msconfig –> startup. Make sure that no explorer is loading at your system startup.

  19. Christopher Woods and stvmule, glad to have you here .. just keep visiting and drop me a line or two if you have any suggestions about the blog.

  20. Thanks a Lot for this Nice Solution..

  21. wow……..
    Its really good to know faster resolution to the problem whatever faced by user.

  22. sorry to say this, but still i am not able to solve it

  23. Thanks jatt and Makarand, I will need some constructive feedback from you people to make this blog more effective in solving your problems.

    Hey UMA Ka, can you explain your situation? What happened to you and what did you do .. so that I may be able to help you more..

  24. Thanks a lot Sanix … i actually countered the same “folder option virus” ,i go thru the steps u post earlier ,it works fine and it is solved … thanks again bro … peace ^^

  25. Even I had the same problem of Folder options missing,…
    when I try to fix the problem as u have mentioned above…
    that is opening gpedit.msc my computer is getting restarted…. I am going mad.. even when I try to open the regedit.exe the same thing occurs…. Please help me out…..

  26. Thank you very much – your solution (gpedit.msc) just saved me hours of work

  27. Cheers Raj and NoRa, I’m so excited it helped you.
    Bharath, your system is probably still infected with a virus. Please use any of the online virus scanner to scan all you system. Here is some information about some of the free online virus scanners.

    Free Online Virus Scanners

  28. […] Posts Show Hidden Files and Folders not working?Ravmon Virus KillerFolder Options missing in Windows XPTask Manager has been disabled by your administratorClear your local DNS cacheClear DNS Cache in […]

  29. i was in search of this article(Folder Option disapear) for the long of mine friend has send me this.
    it was really nice to see this.

    thanx alot

  30. thanks, it really worked very well.

  31. tat’s it! the site i was looking at!

  32. I have a peculiar problem…I am using xpsp2 and in windows explorer, folder options is visible in the tools menu. but when i click on “show hidden files and folders” in the folder options, nothing happens. none of the hidden files and folders are displayed and when i go back to folder options i see that it has been set to the “do not show hidden files” option again. I want to know how to see hidden files in the system


  34. i got problem with it….its because of this virus “Trixcu.A”

    It disables the following functions:
    – Find of the Start menu.
    – Folder options of the Start menu.
    – the Task Manager.
    – the Windows Registry Editor.
    – the CMD shell.
    # It hides the extensions of the files, and the files and subfolders that have the attribute hidden, in order to go unnoticed.
    # It turns the computer off once it has carried out all the changes in the system, by running the following command:
    shutdown.exe -s -f -t 1

  35. Thanx a lot

  36. Hi guys, have been surfing several hours about the tweaks on folder options, you’re among the few sites to actually hold people’s hands step by step. Keep trucking!

  37. I was really worried about solving the prob of folder options getting vanished. Thanks man u hav the answer!!!

  38. i got the nofolderoption but i set to 0 should i restart pc after i do that??

  39. Wow…u guys are lifesavers…Thanks for tips & tools…

    As for Drak..I too had the same problems with the virus/worm “Trixcu.A” but i manages to detected it early and use Autoruns and process explorer to disable/kill the virus at the startup process…after that I use Ravmon virus killer patch to restore my setting to the original. Or u can try manual editing (refer to

    Good luck!

  40. My Folder Option Is Missing. Please tell me how can recover in task bar

  41. Sir,
    I am using Winxp prof. and i think i am lucky to see ur site today. i have been attacked with new folder.exe and as i have gone through ur site..u instructed to use RUN command! but in my system if i type anything on my RUN command opens in NOTEPAD!! what to do?? in my another system with winXP..the RUN command is missing! i think it is premature to say anything now as i have just downloaded all available tools frm ur site! THANKS IN ADVANCE. I will reply if i resolve all problems i am facing. Thank you.

  42. thanx alote!! i have a virus in my computer its root all of my files and dont know what is the “Thumbs” anyone know it ? its from the damn virus i have

  43. Sir,
    I am using Winxp prof. and i downloaded and installed the tools provided by you.i have been attacked with new folder.exe and as i have gone through ur site..u instructed to use RUN ! but in my system if i type anything on my RUN command opens in NOTEPAD!! what to do?? in my another system with winXP..the RUN command is missing! i dont know what to do now! please help me.

  44. Thank you Sir, My problem is solved.

  45. My computer Window XP
    The problem is some spum or program was installed automatically without demand in my computer when I surf internet. I dont want accept this program . The program is “Ptrotected your computer from virus”.I remove
    it from Remove And Add Program in control panel, but at “time toolbar” down right side screen some of this program still on to appear every minutes. Let say is
    ” Your computer in risk infected from virus……..”

    how to remove it from this windows bar

    Thank You for your help this

  46. Hi, I wrote a tutorial on removing the LSASS worm, one of its strands does have a “New folder.exe” launch file. Here’s the tutorial, maybe it will help:

  47. Nice blog u got here dude!! Will contact ya if got any problem!

  48. But guess what, I couldn’t solve my problem. I repeated steps above several times but still my folder options is missing.

  49. i got a problem recently missing folder options in widows tools menu and control panel. i downloaded Ravmon virus removal tool and run that tool after reboot that system folder option is appeard int tools menu. but it didnt show the hidden files when i put check the show all files option. and i was tried to do above u have said i go to run and type gpedit . but immediatly system will be reboot automaticall. please find the solution my problem.

  50. AVG has healed the sohanad worm and i was very happy about, but now when i start my system it shows ssvichost.exe file is missing, pls can you help me to get rid with this.

  51. thanks for the really save me a lot of time 🙂

  52. it really really helped me


  53. Hi,
    In my display settings menu from desktop. only themes menu is coming and all other tabs are not appearing.
    Please help me out to solve this problem.

  54. This video will help you definitely
    plz rate it 5 if it really helps you…

  55. hello mate i am wondering if u can help me i had virus which jamed my screen for few mintues every time i logged to intranet and that is like bill call MBS Billing, showing i owe them money, like scamp, tried avg,norton antivirus, ad-aware2007 seems does nt working any solution

  56. B farooq scan your system with hijackthis and send me the log file on my gmail you can see my email address on the info page

  57. HI ,
    my gpedit.msc is not running in run and also i tried the registry method but my explorer folder is missing in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/….

  58. thanks a lot your tips help me a lot, basically iam a hardware engineer if u have any new tips or new ideas
    please send me…………….
    thanks a lot for helping the people………………..

  59. my problame winxp folder option,run missing sowl this problems, i see

  60. I am a WnxXP user. I whole heartedly apreciate you guys’ efforts in making others lives easy through this site and blog. I could enable “Task Manager” and “Regedit” based on your guidance. But I still cannot run “gpedit.msc”. Please help.

  61. I run Ravmon Removal tool but it seems my comp is not infected with Ravmon virus. Since I am not able to run “gpedit.msc”, please suggest another way to restore “Folder Options” in my COntrol Panel.

  62. ya tht method work
    nd work in first time
    thnx for tht

  63. I thought I was going bloody mental trying to find this damn folder. Thank you SO much. It worked first time- and I actually understood the instruction- unlike every other website- including the USELESS windows help page.
    Thank you.

  64. Thanks for the assitance. All is well again with my desktop computer. It’s a pity that Microsoft does not have stuff like this in the Windows Xp Help.

    Keep it up!

    ~ Carpe Diem ~

  65. Thanks for your tips regarding the folder option missing. It was great help. you are great! Thanks once again.

  66. The folder option missing solution is very effective. Thank You.

  67. hey thanks man….really helpful advice

  68. Thank u very much for that

  69. i am very thank full to this site coz my issue is resolved which created a head ache to me few weeks this trick works for folder option

  70. Thanks alot for ur help actually its bugging me so much
    once again thanking u

  71. thx man

  72. […] Posts: Ravmon Virus Killer How to manually remove viruses from your system Folder Options Missing In Windows XP Registry Editing Has Been Disabled By Your Administrator Get Open With Dialog Box When Opening […]

  73. […] Posts: Ravmon Virus Killer How to manually remove viruses from your system Restore All Folder Option Settings Folder Options Missing In Windows XP Registry Editing Has Been […]

  74. […] Recent Comments Sanix on Get open with dialog when open…vikram on Show Hidden Files and Folders …izhar ali on Get open with dialog when open…New Folder.exe Sohan… on Restore All Folder Option Sett…New Folder.exe Sohan… on Folder Options missing in Wind… […]

  75. The folder option missing solution is very effective. !!Thank You

  76. The folder option missing solution is very effective

  77. many,many,many thanx for this solution sanix,finally its working.tried 2-3 days a go but it didnt work, now 100% effective.will spread word about you here,thanx again.

  78. uppiee……thankz a lot for such a great solution. My folder option is back……..uppie……..thankz once again for such a great solution. Its so simple and easy……..wowwww

  79. i follow the method of typing regedit in run. but it says regedit has been disabled by my administrator. wat should i do?

  80. dear sanix,

    my pc is Winods XP prof 2002, now folder options is missing, i have my cv and all in that hidden folder, before i was using norton, but our sys admin came and installed Mcafee, please help me to get back the files or the folder options, please reply me

  81. dear i used the following path C:\Windows\System32\gpedit.msc

    but i couldint find the files, and also i opnd a guest user in my PC, there folderoption is working….
    please reply me

  82. Thanks
    its working

  83. i have a problem with my folder options
    actually i’m getting the folder options in my tools menu but the problem is even when i enable the “show hidden files and folders ” option it is not showing the hidden files and by default it is taking “do not show hidden files or folders” how can i get rid of this problem… help me please

  84. every time when i restart my system i’m getting a message that “C:\windows\system32\SSVICHOST.exe not found”.. how to recover from this problem.. can you explain me indetail….

    thanks in advance.. coz some of my problems were solved by studying the above posts….

  85. hard drives auto play was disabled in my system and when i double click on any of my hard drives open with window is appearing……… how to solve this problem

  86. Its really very-2 helpful……………
    certainly value addition……………
    will always consult for the problems………..

  87. RE Folder Options not displayed in Windows Explorer.

    I have the problem described in earlier , May of this year, postings. gpedit is not available on my Win XP Home.

    Looking for :
    \CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer as described by Sania May 29,

    Under “policies” There are “NonEnum”, “Rating”, and ‘System”. Not “Explorer”. This is true of my other desktop and my laptop. Also none of them have gpedit.

    Nevertheless, the one desktop has Folder Options displayed in a window to the left which is quite convenient..

    Any help will be appreciated as I like that Folder Option function for quickly burning CDs



  88. […] and run this brontok removal tool from Bitdefender. This tool will kill the brontok process, restore folder options and registry editor and fix system […]

  89. How can i Guard ” ravmon , brontok” from my computer.plz help me …………..

  90. I don’t believe I have Brontok. Regedit works fine and the files involved are not present. still need help

  91. Great job sanix, it’s a truly and sophisticate guide that you posted here. Many thx to you…

  92. Nice support, and removal tool of Ramon is superb. Thanks for proper guidance.

  93. Hai,

    My system has been infected by virus Hacked by godzilla. When i click on hard drive it is not opening. Only its open when i right click and explore it.

    can u give some suggestions.

  94. Thanks man.
    I’ve got this virus and i tried several diffrent antivirus and virus removal tools on it. nothing worked.
    untill i browsed to this page and read your little tip.
    Thanks again fo the help.

  95. Thanks man.You made my day.

  96. Dear Sir,.
    I have a problem with my folder options actually…. I’m getting the folder options in my tools menu but the problem is even when i enable the “show hidden files and folders ” option it is not showing the hidden files and by default it is taking “do not show hidden files or folders” how can i recover this problem…
    i’m using windows xp pro with service pack 2.
    before u mention all solutions i do it. but still my folder option not work……… me please

  97. Dear Sir,.
    I have a problem with my folder options actually…. I’m getting the folder options in my tools menu but the problem is even when i enable the “show hidden files and folders ” option it is not showing the hidden files and by default it is taking “do not show hidden files or folders” how can i recover this problem…
    i’m using windows xp pro with service pack 2.
    before u mention all solutions i do it. but still my folder option not work……… me please

  98. i am using bolgspot. with google adsense, i don’t know how paste the code in to the sites.. please help me .

  99. Quote

    Nick, on December 7th, 2007 at 10:59 am Said:
    RE Folder Options not displayed in Windows Explorer.

    I have the problem described in earlier , May of this year, postings. gpedit is not available on my Win XP Home.

    Looking for :
    \CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer as described by Sania May 29,

    Under “policies” There are “NonEnum”, “Rating”, and ‘System”. Not “Explorer”. This is true of my other desktop and my laptop. Also none of them have gpedit.

    Nevertheless, the one desktop has Folder Options displayed in a window to the left which is quite convenient..

    Any help will be appreciated as I like that Folder Option function for quickly burning CDs




    i got same problem with this guy. please someone help us.

  100. Hi…I’m on the job training currently, and my boss requested me to connect his brand new laptop to the network that the office has through a WAP. There were two of laptops that is already connected and they work fine(It’s me who also connect it to the Network, also through WAP). Yeah, this brand new laptop that I am currently connecting got its connection(atlast)but when navigating VIEW WOKGROUP COMPUTERS, I always get a message that says I am not allowed to blah…blah…blah..Contact your administrator and blah blah blah(I don’t really memorize the message but I know you do understand me, right). I tried to ping the other computer on the wired network and I got a reply.But pinging my own IP, whow it says request time out? Can you help me figuring out the problem of it?Is it the firewalls(defender,Windows and antivirus+firewall) or the unit itself?I uninstalled the defender and turned off windows firewall but still, it didn’t work…

  101. Hy all..! i have a problem . i cant open my folder option can any 1 help me to sloved out this? I have also a prob 2 that is when i type regedit then says my addminstetor didnt give any permission to open it . i am useing service pack2 winxp profeesonal. Helo me please…..

  102. […] Funny … on How to Manually Remove Viruses…DJ on Show Hidden Files and Folders …Kali das on Folder Options missing in Wind…santosh on Office 2007 SP1 DownloadNewfolder.exe Remova… on Ravmon Virus […]

  103. i require to recover folder options

  104. the best solution fer this problem is to export this folder from reg edit of one of ur frens pc an import it to the regedit of ur pc.. here’s the path of the folder u’l need to transfer

  105. the best solution fer this problem is to export this folder from reg edit of one of ur frens pc an import it to the regedit of ur pc.. here’s the path of the folder u’l need to transfer

  106. really a gud solution and it worked out

  107. well guys, it’s great that you have a great attitude to help others.

    I have a problem with my desktop. Iam using xp sp2 . From last 7 days all my folders turned to read only mode. Even if i change manually by unmarking it , it once again goes to readonly mode. please help me . iam vexed with this.

  108. bro sanix,thank you for the big help i really really apreciate it so i can fix my pc. more power and god bless.Ü

  109. Thx guys u all r real whizzids. added ur site 2 ma favorites straight up!

  110. Please sanix how do i get rid of this “cannot find C/recycled/SCVHOST.exe” message. i get it at every startup. thx!

  111. you helped me a lot! thanks!

  112. Great site, I have been able to restore folder options on my system. However, I can’t find my “Run” in start menu, pls help me on this. Thanks.

  113. Also, I can’t t Internet Explorer Home page. Pls help me on this. Thanks.

  114. Also, I can’t set Internet Explorer Home page. Pls help me on this. Thanks.

  115. Also, I can’t access System Restore on my system. Pls help me with all these. Thanks.

  116. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank alooooooot

  117. Thanx a lot

  118. hello ppl……..
    i also ‘ve a problem with my folder options……..
    itz missing 4m my control panel……….n all the hidden files r being displayed……….
    n the other problem is that when i try to rename any file itz properties r getting changed…
    i’ve also tried some of the tips but nothing happened……..plz………….. help!

  119. […] and run this brontok removal tool from Bitdefender. This tool will kill the brontok process, restore folder options and registry editor and fix system […]

  120. thank u………my problem is solved………….

  121. hi…
    my name is manoj, I use windows xp prof, my issue is I share my system with my friends so it is hard to hide my important data, is there any way that I can assign password to a folder that I only can access the folder?
    Please help me…..

  122. I was searching that how to restore the Folder options, This I found here. Thanks alot

  123. I will be very very thank full to you If got the solution for restoring the Folder Options in XP.

  124. i will be very very thank full to you If got the solution for restoring the Folder Options in XP.
    in my pc regedit is not working . what shall i do now………. pls.. help me………………….

  125. I can’t change date and time
    plz help me

  126. Go to Run –>gpedit.msc
    User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Explorer
    Enable and then Disable “Removes Folder Options menu from Tools menu”
    Close all windows explorer windows and then open again.. most probably your folder options is back

  127. got a problem recently missing folder options in widows tools menu and control panel. i downloaded Ravmon virus removal tool and run that tool after reboot that system folder option is appeard int tools menu. but it didnt show the hidden files when i put check the show all files option. and i was tried to do above u have said i go to run and type gpedit . but immediatly system will be reboot automaticall. please find the solution my problem.

  128. Q:double clicking on any drives opens a menu as to “Open with”

    create a textfile by name “autorun.inf”
    without quotes.
    2:Copy and Paste it the respective drives
    3:Click Overwrite all
    Now u can access it

  129. use smart_av.exe
    smart antivirus
    this will restore all default settings of windows xp

  130. its perfectly working for me

  131. I am running XP Home and I think my son or one of his friends has removed the History & Temporary Internet Files folders from under Local Settings on the Administrator account. Any way to get these back and working as originally installed?

  132. Thank U Dude I have seen all your articles and this is one of the best.I was also need to learn How to remove Folder option.Now it is very easy for me.

  133. hey bro! nice work keep it up, hey i have a problem with my folder options its not visible, and the other thing is that my task manager has been disabled!!! how can it be repaired.

  134. hello
    I have a problem with my folder option.
    The folder option toolbar is between my toolbars but it isn’t in my computer > tools . it can’t be opend by double clicking on it.
    and when I go to control panel , I can see folder option toolbar too but I can’t open it by double clicking on it , I have done the run > regdit > . . .
    but after restarting I can’t see the folder option in tools but it is in toolbars and still I can’t open it. I have not done any spy remover .
    What shoud I do ? plz help me .

  135. Hello
    I have problem with my folder option .
    I can see folder option icon in toolbars but I can’t see it in tools and I can’t open the folder option toolbar icon .
    I have done the 0 value in regdit and I steel have problem . What should I do ?
    PLZ help me.
    I am waiting 4 your response .

  136. Hi,
    I have a strange problem with my IE opening websites suddenly. Its out of the blue.

    I am not able to figure out which file could have been infected. When i check the running services. it would show like 6sA5Y2IY.exe, 3PvtSl5rt.exe etc kind of running service. When i kill them, it closes all opened IE windows. Any solution.

    Please put up the response to also my mail id so that i can check immediately in the blog as well.


  137. I’ve lost my folder option pls help me …………………………………….reaz

  138. hey guys i have a problem.
    when im trying to close a folder i get a message:
    this operation has ben canclled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. please contact your system administrator.
    if a go to task maneger and close the folder, it closes and explorer wiht it and than restarts.also i noticed that under my folder options attributes are allways set to read only whit a square. dont know what to do… eny help?
    PS. all other programs close normally only folders dont.

  139. How to fix “show all files”????

    check this out..

  140. hey i have a quiry can you help me with my problem?

    cant find my folder option?

    when i try the answer above a window will pop up telling me that “registry iditing has been disabled by administrator”

    i already scan my pc with kaspersky unti-virus but still the result is the same.. please help me.. many thanks

  141. Sir,
    i Have a big problem my folder makes a clone folder .exe….and hides the original one……………………the exe folder is always of 37 kb!!!! even it has GBs of data…..and also when i chek dat hidden folder properties….it is permanently checked to the box….its like a default hidden i cannot uncheck that hidden box……………..hope you understand my problem i have a personal and precious data how to get my folders unhidden again………….they r default hide in there properties and i cannot un check the hidden box

  142. Hey people, i have the same problem as emman up there. “registry editing has been disabled by administrator.” How do I fix this problem? Help, please… thank..

  143. Hi guys,

    I was going thru this Site for my problem with the Folder Options. I tried almost all the ways. going to Registry and creating DWORD and setting it to 0 then going to gpedit.msc… But the result is still i am not able to select the option of seeing my Hidden Folders… Anyone can help me Please .

    This is driving me so crazy.

    Please Help.


  144. Help, I’m also facing problem like emman and cystal.

  145. hi
    can u help me that , whenever my gots virus the folder option will not be there. so i want to know how to open folder option when my got virus.

  146. even though i have read all about your exploits, i’m still finding it difficult to regain my missing folders back. i have tried the various options like deleting the nofolderoptions and setting it to zero. its stll not working.
    hope you can help me cos my missing folder is still lost til now

  147. how to recover folder option in win xp.

  148. in out look while i send mails , the mails had sent
    but in sent items it is not there
    give me the solutions

  149. I am using home edition windows XP, recently my folder opening option have been changed. If I click open the folder, it automatically go for search option rather than showing the contents of the folder. I hope I could get a remedy or favarable idea to correct my folder option. Thank you

  150. Start –> Run –> regedit.


    In the right hand pane, see if there is a value called NoFolderOptions

    If yes then change it’s value to 0.

    1 means hide options and 0 means show options.

  151. I have a problem, actually my folder options are present but when ever i tried to activate “show hidden folder” option it does not work.Plz help me, i donot want to install a new window.
    Kindly e-mail me at “”

  152. I have the same problem as Elanchezhian, so if anyone knows how to fix this please reply soon. Thank you

  153. hi..
    my hiden files just showed up, and when i click “folder option” Icon nothing comes on.
    need help on this issue.

  154. actully it workd now i just did the same,

    Start –> Run –> regedit.


    In the right hand pane, see if there is a value called NoFolderOptions

    If yes then change it’s value to 0.

    1 means hide options and 0 means show options.

    but there was value 2.
    and then i changed it to 0.
    and tried the folder option it didn’t work, but when i restart my computer, it actully worked.
    thanks so much. 🙂

  155. fsfsfsfsfsfs

  156. xcvxxdxcxvxcvc

  157. hi sanix,
    my folder option menu has been missed. and seting nofolderoptions in regedit is not worked permanently.
    it seems a type of virus or worm is placed in the drives.
    please let me know if you have any new solution

  158. why it is showing that google talk service could not connect ,.plzz ,help .me

  159. i have lost my search option of my start menu .Please
    help me

  160. I have the same problem plus many more. When ever I connect to the internet, my computer freezes after a couple minutes. If I disconnect from the internet, my desktop works fine.

    Also, my folder options is gone, my regedit is locked, I ran spybots and it deleted most of the trojans. But everytime I rescan, it detects a new registry change.

    My virus program does not detect any viruses. Symantec Corporate Edition.

  161. hi guys….

    i still have problems about the folder options.
    i did what you guys said about the registry, and still the folder options in the tools doesnt show up…

    i need help..
    H E L P.
    im using a windows xp service pack 3, formerly service pack 2.professional

    need to hear from you.

  162. (folder options) your amazing…thank you so much…now if only i could get my internet connections working properly…thats another mission

  163. you will be able to recover folder options
    in windows XP professional O.S.

  164. download antivirus from to show folder options

  165. Download RRT(Remove Restrictions Tool) a tool to re-enable Ctrl+Alt+Del, Folder Options and Registry tools.

    For Manual Solutions to Virus and Trojans:

  166. my Folder Option is missing
    i tried the DWORD and ITS not working i tried sanix’s
    advice but its still missing
    im using windows xp

  167. hey i happened to run into this blog and it looks like you know what youre talking about so i thought id give it a shot lol, well i unfortunately contracted the spyware guard 2008 and 2009 on my xp and now when i try and install norton 2009 it gives me error “registry editing has been disabled by youre administrator” and i cannot seem to find out how to enable it, i am logged in as the admin on my pc. any insights??? thnx

  168. i have my folder options present in my tools option. But when i want to hide or unhide the files (by using show hidden files and folders-radio button), it doesn’t work. i have been trying it hard from last 7 months. i m using Windows xp sp-2

  169. I have two mysterious .exe files called: lsass.exe and kyamdorp.exe on my C: drive and everytime i try deleting it the usual way it says Cannot delete kyamdorp/lsass: Access is denied and i cant even use the registry and even more so when i used the EnableRegTool it STILL says regedit is denied by my administrator. SO WHAT THE HECK DO I DO. I CANT TACKLKE THIS PROBLEM… There MUST be a new solutionnnnnnn PLEASE… i got so much stuff from school on this computer but any method i tried of yours it still denies me access to the registry files. The two files kyamdorp and lsass.exe keep reappearing over and over and over everytime i transfer them to another folder or transfer them to the desktop and even tried renaming them and deleting them after. But they just keep coming back time and time agian. What am i to do? Formatting is definently not on my mind right now. It would be a very bad time.

  170. I recently had my computer repaired and when I got it back, there were certain programmes/applications missing such as voice recognition, search and folder options. Is there a way I can download folder options like I have for search? I need it so that I can view my hidden folders….

  171. hey guys my computer just recovered from a crash, i’m fairly sure it was a trojan named djiqa.exe and lsass.exe my folder option won’t appear, i can’t use installed programs as it says “windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access this item.”
    i’ve tried gpedit.msc and it says “file not found message” everytime i try regedit it gives me “windows cannot access the specified….” it’s quite frustrating, i can’t see a solution.
    please help, thankyou.

  172. Thanks a lot dude,Keep it up

  173. thanq a lot… i’am be ablle to fix this problem finally… 🙂

  174. Да,aleks,побороть лень, действительно иногда очень сложно..

  175. hey..
    i try to use the GPEDIT.MSC to enable the taskmanager.
    i go to run>GPEDIT.MSC>USER CONFIGURATION>administrative templates>system> then i disable the PREVENTING TO ACCESS THE REGISTRY EDITING TOOLS>
    but then it does’t work.. it pop then it will automatically close?
    what should i do?

  176. Follow this link:-

    My problem has been solved…….. enjoy..!!!

  177. Follow this link:-

    It has shown d video how to restore the option

    My problem has been solved…….. enjoy..!!!

  178. Hi, I have the same problem of the missing Folder option and not being able to access my registry. However, I found a way to get to registry and I changed the value of my folder option to “1” and I did restart me PC BUT No Use. Still I dont have the folder option . Please any advice would be very much appreciated here. I need help

  179. download from to enable and show folder options . also helps to enable task manager, enable show folder options, enable show hidden files, enable search files, enable run, enable default windows settings. source

  180. hi.
    how can i find the folder option menu in windows xp .i couldnt find it it isnt show in the tools menu when i click on tools menu it shows
    click ……..Tools network drive
    2.. disconnect network drive
    3.. synchronize
    plz tel me how can i get that folder option menu

  181. Hi
    I’m trying to find this file under regedit but i can’t find it people say there could be a virus that deleted this folder but my computer seems to run fine. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\ i can’t seem to find the servic es folder help please anybody

  182. Hello.
    I can not use regedit either. It says that my system administrator has disabled it. But i am the administrator and im sure i didnt do that.
    Oh yes, im trying to restore folder options too..

  183. hello i have a problem with my computer that when i go to tools in my computer there is no folder option there and i can not hide any thing ……..what should i do to take back the folder option…??????

  184. It really worked. Thanks….

  185. Hey there, neat website, just want to ask you what filtering software you have on your site for cleaning up comments because I get lots on my web site.

  186. Hi.
    I got a problem, probably from a Trojan: When clicking an ordinary windows-window it no longer opens the file. It can open with a certain program as chosen under Folder Options -Extensions but not just open.
    Originally the default went to a program which i uninstalled now a double-click results in running the commando-prompt!
    Very very annoying!
    Any help? Please?

  187. cool! this website is really helpful!!! tnx…

  188. Thank you Sanix.
    Got hooked due to virus attack. First removing trojans then enabling registry and then enabling folder options. Glad that I found this site early without wasting much time and energy. Thanks again.

  189. great website guys!

    Help please. Windows genuine advantage has blocked some off the updates. How can i remove this or let thru the updates. My windows is genuine.


  190. […] and run this brontok removal tool from Bitdefender. This tool will kill the brontok process, restore folder options and registry editor and fix system […]

  191. In my system some of the folders are hidden,and search options is idle and no options found there

  192. regediting and task manager has been disabled by administrator.
    i’m using windows xp sp3.
    what shld i do?

  193. hi! i lost my folderoption in windows xp!
    plz help me i must restor that becoze of hiden file!
    in fact i have some hide file i must find them in my pc

  194. Great post thanx a lot

    Greetz Joris

  195. Very usefull comment, like this high quality posts. Greetz Joris

  196. folder option not displyed

  197. hi sanix,

    u r a legend man :), i had the same issue and now its ok, thanks a lot;

  198. u r grt man…..u solved my prob…..:)

  199. Hi guys, not sure if anyone can help…(I’m using Windows XP, SP3)
    I want to re-assign an icon to my spare local disc – my main local disc (F) has one but the ‘G’ local disc doesn’t have one… for some reason it was previously using the netgear wireless adapter icon after I installed netgear wifi software. I found and deleted the icon so now my local drive doesn’t have an icon. I can still explore the disc, no problem. I’ve tried to go to folder options > file types… I highlight the drive icon then advanced. Next I can see ‘edit file type’ window. There is an ‘edit’ button but it’s greyed out. There’s a ‘change icon’ button – I can change icon but it does nothing to g local disc icon. There’s also an ‘actions’ box with the command ‘find’ …
    That’s far s I’ve been able to go on this.. any help appreciated.

  200. Awesome site.. Good..!

  201. Dear Sir,

    In my Computer Registry Editing has been disable.
    Please let me know how to enable Registry Editing.

    Please Help.


  202. Sir,

    1) in my Computer Registry Editing has been disable.
    Please let me know how to enable Registry Editing

    2) hi! i lost my folderoption in windows xp!
    plz help me i must restor that becoze of hiden file!
    in fact i have some hide file i must find them in my pc

  203. Sir,

    1) in my Computer Registry Editing has been disable.
    Please let me know how to enable Registry Editing

    2) hi! i lost my folderoption in windows xp!
    plz help me i must restor that becoze of hiden file!
    in fact i have some hide file i must find them in my pc

    Please Help

    Deepak GV

  204. hey hi, this is rubin
    i m very confused, i m getting only three options in the tools menu of windows explorer, they are,
    1:- map network drive…
    2:- disconnect network drive…
    3:- synchronize…

    i dont know from where these options came!!!!!!!!!!

    please help me on my mail

  205. Hi All,

    In my system registry i checked right side panel, there is no folder options value.

    so i created a New DWORD value with value of 0,
    then i checked it’s working fine.

  206. hey….after a virus attack…all folders became the same size and infected virus… 381 kb exe folders…..i used avast antivirus…then scanned the deleted all the folders…but the local disk showed that there are folders and files inside but I can’t see it…even if i show hidden files in folder options

  207. Hi guys , in my xp machine browse folder option is not working , is there any solution for this ?

  208. Hi, I have a problem. I am using XP pro.

    Folder options, other details are appearing on desktop in a vertical ribbon. This feature recently appeared on my PC, accidentally. I could not remove it. Please help me to remove this.

    Thanks in advance.

  209. sir im mark
    just wanna ask you how to edit or how to open a folder that every time i open it the error message was shown access denied..

    plz help me

    regards ,

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  232. […] Folder Options missing in Windows XP | Techno Digits … – May 05, 2007 · hai… i m using windows xp, in tools menu there is no folder option.. i m getting the options like map network drive, disconnect network drive …… […]

  233. […] Folder options missing in windows xp | techno digits […]

  234. […] Folder Options missing in Windows XP | … – 05.05.2007 · I have a peculiar problem…I am using xpsp2 and in windows explorer, folder options is visible in the tools menu. but when i click on “show hidden files …… […]

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